Environmental And Social Risk Management Plans​

International Bankable ESIA

We deliver best practice compliant ESIA reports which are designed and deployed against the backdrop of the World Bank ESF and OP and other Good International Industry practice (GIIP), notably the IFC PS, World Bank ESF and AfDB ISS.

Environmental and Social Management Plan

We develop environmental and social management plans in line with international standards comparable to the World Bank ESF, IFC PS and AfDB ISS.

Stakeholder Engagement Plan

We help our client to identify, map and evaluate their stakeholders, and develop strategies to engage all necessary stakeholders to attain win-win, social license and stakeholders’ assurance.

Participatory Community Needs Assessment and Community Development Plan

We support our clients to develop culturally appropriate and environmentally friendly Community Needs Assessment and Community Development Plan, with emphasis on community implementation capacity and multiple stakeholders’ expectation on development projects.

Grievance Redress Mechanism

We develop strategies to help our clients proactively manage issues, concerns, and potential conflicts in a timely and responsive manner to promote transparency and neutrality towards strengthening stakeholder relations and sustaining social license to operate.

International Standard Resettlement Action Plan

We conduct and prepare Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) and Livelihood Restoration Plans (LRP) compliant with national regulations and international best practices. TDL services go beyond the standard/basic RAP requirements, hence include robust tools such as: multiple stakeholder engagements, livelihood restoration research and value chain analyses, capacity building, etc.

Health and Safety Plan

We support our client to develop policies, processes, and bespoke architecture to drive a zero-incidence workplace and safe communities.

Human Capital Development Plan

We design and implement strategic human capital development plans, at institutional, corporate and project levels.

Gender, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Management Toolkit

We work with our clients to create projects and workplace free of gender-based violence, and sexual exploitation and abuse.

Disaster Risk Management

We help our client to develop strategies to prevent disaster risk, reduce existing disaster risk and manage residual risk.

Biodiversity Management Plan

We design and implement strategies to restore, protect, conserve and enhance biological flora and fauna species.